How to Relieve Arthritis Pain

How to Relieve Arthritis Pain

Millions of people in this country suffer from achy stiff joints and back pain. If you're like most of them, you've tried everything to figure out how to relieve arthritis pain and get back pain relief.

The two most common types of arthritis pain are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The first is the result of repetitive motion over time in weight-bearing joints such as your hips and knees. The second is an autoimmune disease that causes the antibodies your immune system produces to attack the membranes around your joints.

If these aches and pains sound all too familiar, then there's a whole host of safe and effective treatments available to get back pain relief and to then relieve arthritis pain - herbal remedies, special foods, over-the-counter medicines, exercises, and more (see our Arthritis Solutions Special Report for details). But the quickest and safest way to soothe arthritis pain is with a topical cream that contains:

  • MSM helps inhibit pain impulses along your nerves to help lessen inflammation. The high sulfur content may protect arthritic joints;
  • Glucosamine Sulfate can ease arthritis pain, help to repair cartilage, and may improve mobility in stiff joints; and
  • Aloe Vera is packed with 75 different nutrients that help stop existing pain and quickly go to work to provide relief