Stop living in pain and start loving your life again!

Stop living in pain and start loving your life again!

Over the years, this folk remedy has given relief to thousands of people who had given up hope of ever easing their arthritis pain. To make it, put 1 cup of golden raisins (not black!) in a shallow glass bowl, and pour in just enough gin to cover them completely (1 to 2 cups). Cover the bowl lightly, and let the raisins soak for a week or so, until they’ve absorbed all of the gin. Store them in a covered glass jar at room temperature, and eat nine raisins every day.

Some people report dramatic pain reduction after less than a week, while it takes others a month or more to get relief. Full disclosure: This remedy doesn’t work for everyone. But it’s easy and inexpensive to make, it’s delicious, and it has none of the side effects that many prescription meds can deliver. So try it—you’ve got nothing to lose but those aches in your joints!