Travel without tummy turmoil--eat onions!

Travel without tummy turmoil--eat onions!

Are you planning a trip to a foreign country? If so, then take a simple precaution to prevent that common traveler’s affliction, bacterial dysentery (a.k.a. Montezuma’s revenge or Delhi belly).

Here’s what to do: Beginning two weeks before your departure date, eat one good-size raw onion (weighing 8 ounces or so) every day. The simplest way to get your quota is to slice, dice, or chop an onion in the morning, and then add it to salads, sandwiches, guacamole, or whatever else you might eat throughout the day.

Note: For an especially potent antibacterial wallop, mix a whole, finely diced raw onion in a cup of plain yogurt. Don’t cringe! It tastes a lot better than you’d imagine. Somehow, the yogurt sweetens the flavor of the onion.